Monday, August 18, 2008

first post (ihateourfreedom)

So I decided to get me one of these blogs. I don't know if anyone will read it, but oh well. I'll be putting music and just random shit on here. Oh and cos, hollypants did it, it seemed like a neat idea :P.

I'm rather sick of the Olympics right now, don't know if that has to do with it being in China or not. Maybe if the Chinese army stopped shooting at innocent Tibetans and Uighurs I'd be more overall pleased with it.

Going through the university courses and whatnot, I've come to the realisation that uni will be fucking awesome if I manage to get into it. There is so many interesting things to study (especially at Clayton Monash) it's orgasmic, and almost disappointing that so many miss out on it. Almost, although I do feel bad for the people who really do try or really want it yet miss out for some reason, maybe cos I'll probably be one of those people (y)

(Image stolen from somewhere, who gives a fuck, it's the internet)

Starcraft 2 should be coming out soon. It's about fucking time that Blizzard use those millions they plundered from WoW. If someone bought me it, becuase I'm poor, I think I'd love them forever. Oh and if they bought me a new power supply for my computer too, I can't play any games with that hunk of junk shutting down whenever I use the graphics card. Although if SC2 sucks, I think I'm going to cry.

Gay For Johnny Depp are fucking awesome, and here is a free download of their album Politics of Cruelty, what more do you want?

After a bad english essay and recent events, I think I've also realised that human communication is constantly failing. Or I fail at making people understand things, either one.

Ugh, so rant about olympics, boring everyday life, video game talk, a link to a GFJD album and two lines of something sentimental? I'll get to making this blog interesting some other time, kthx.

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