Monday, September 8, 2008

weightless is the new black

toothpaste for dinner

Seriously funny stuff.

We just heard about Valedictory Dinner today at school. Needless to say, everyone is super excited. No wonder why, long limo rides with friends, food, all of that good stuff (y)

The download for today is the Funeral Diner/Welcome The Plague Year split, download it and get hooked.

School is seriously starting to wear everyone down, including me. I'm still completely relaxed and all, but it's almost like being too relaxed, in that I'm even lazier than usual, which is never a good thing. I really do need to start studying. I also need to start exercising, I had to run for the first time in ages yesterday, I felt like an obese person trying to run, it was horrible! I'm not fat, just woefully unfit, now I just need some serious motivation to exercise. Probably won't happen, but I wish it would!

It's story time now (just because I forgot to tell everyone personally). Today on the bus, waiting at the traffic lights I see a police car at the front waiting at the red light, which was taking an especially long time. All of a sudden, I see the police car flick it's lights and sirens on and it speeds off, going left at the intersection through the red lights. Wondering what I was going on, I watched it as it drove down the road, and a few hundred metres later, it turned the sirens completely off and kept driving. The police actually used their sirens just to get through a red light with no real reason! I never thought they did this in real life.

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